Friday, August 30, 2013


^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^GROUP QUOTA^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

GROUP QUOTA ___ means to apply the quota on the users of a particular group so that they can
                                      Use only the limited resources like
                                      They can use assigned amount of space on the hard drive
                             Or      they can make only assigned amount of files on his particular directory.
No more files no more space
If a single user use the all limits then other users can do nothing not can make files and not modify there files to big files because they have not the space to expend there files.

Now how to do _________________

1_To apply quota on a group we have the knowledge of all group permissions to apply them also.
          # fdisk /dev/sda
          # ( commnd ( m for help))   n    -------- new partition.
          # rm   -rf   /dev/fd0 _______ disable floppy
          # partprobe ____________ refresh mounting point

          # mke2fs  -j /dev/sda5 ___________ format the new partition     

2_ we have to make a partition and then make a directory mount permanently this partition with
          That directory in the fstab file.
          # vi /etc/fstab_________________ fstab file open

          /dev/sda5    /data                    ext3            defaults,grpquota    0 0

___________save n exit
                                                                            LOOK HERE IMPORTANT STEP}

          # mount   -a _______ refresh mounting point.
          #df    -TH __________ check for the mounted partition

3_ now make a group in the system. Which is used for the group quota?

          # groupadd sales_________to add a group.

Here I want to show the full structure of what’s happening.>>>>>>>>>>


Now if we apply the permissions on the {/data} directory or on the group using group ids then all permissions will be applied on the users whose are under the groups.

4_now change the directory which is mounted, as a directory of the group.

          # chgrp  sales   /data ________ now the directory of the group is the /data directory.

5_  now to give the permissions to the directory.

          # chmod 3777  /data _________ to /data directory permissions.

                                Group  users level security
                        Security here is the sgid and stickbit permissions are applied on the group by the administrator.

Group level securities are applied as a first bit of the security equations
Suid =4
Sgid =2

6_ now to check if the quota is been applied on this partition or is it ready for the quoata____

          # quotacheck    -g   /dev/sda5 ________ to check the quota on this partition.

If this command runs it means that it is able to apply the quota on this partition.

7_  now to activate the quota on this partition.

          # quotaon   -g  /dev/sda7 _________ now quota is on at this partition.

Now before editing the quota on this partition we have to add the users in this group there is a
Special method to add the new users in this group and as well as in the directory of the group
 So why if we apply the quota on the directory of the group it is applied indirectly on the all users of the group, and they have to follow the quota

POINT /___ point is here is that if there are four users in the  group and if only one is use all the limits of the quota mean if he cross the hard  limit of space usage or as well as the no of maximum files they all users can make then other users do nothing not can make a file or not even can modify there existing file because they have no additional space for the editing in the file, because only one of there partner is cross the all limits,. So they can do nothing.


                   #useradd  -d   /data  {username} ___________ to add a user in this directory.
                   # passwd { username} __________ to give the password to the user.

                   We are attach this users to the directory but now  we have to make it the member of           group we made ___
          So to make it the member of this group there is  also a special command to add in group__

                   #usermod    -G  {groupname}    { username} _________ to add a user in the group.

                   Now this user is the member og the group as well as its hoem directory is  /data  now.
Remember to copy bash files from etc to that directory in which we made the users
          # cp /etc/skel/.bash*  /data ________________ to copy bash  files

9_  to check if the user is now the member of the group to check it open a special file in the /etc

          # vi  /etc/group ____________ the file contain the information of all groups in it ..
                                                          Shift+g __ to go to bottom of the file group is there  to see.

10_ now to apply quota on the group we have to edit quota for the group________ as

          # edqouta    -g  {group name} ________ to edit quota for the group.

11_  to CHECK if the quota is been applied on the group

          # repquota   -avg _________ to check quota for the group.


{{{ # poweroff }}} is also a command for shutdown remember it ok ______________

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