Friday, August 30, 2013


·        Multi programming :-
                              Multi Programming feature allows many programs to be executed simultaneously by different users.

·        Time sharing :-
                              The programs are queued and CPU time is shared among them. Each program gets CPU time for a specific period and is then put back in the queue to wait its turn again as the next program in the queue is attended to.

·        Multi tasking :-
                               A program in Linux is broken down into tasks, each task being something like reading from or writing to the disk, or waiting for input from a user. The ability of any operating system to handle the execution of multiple tasks is known as multi-tasking.

·        Virtual Memory :-
                               The amount of physical memory may not always be sufficient for executing large applications or having multiple applications active at a point in time. In such situations a partition( that is a logical portion of the hard disk) can be utilize as the artificial or virtual memory.

·        Samba :-
                                The name Samba is derived from the Server Message Block or SMB. SMB is the protocol used Microsoft operating system to share file and print services.


·        Reliability :-
                                 Linux is a stable operating system. Linux servers are not shut down for years together. This means that the users on the Linux operating system work consistently with the Linux server, without reporting any operating system failures.

·        Simple Upgrade and Installation Process :-
                                   The installation procedure of most Linux versions is menu-driven and easy. It includes the ability to Upgrade from prior versions. The upgrade process preserves the existing configuration files and maintains a list of its actions during installation.

·        Multiple Distributors :-
                                       Linux is offered by many organizations, each with their own added features. Therefore, the user has a wide variety of options available. Some distributors of Linux are Red Hat, Caldera, Mandrake, Debian, and  Slackware.

·        No Known Viruses :-
                                       Linux is said to be free of any virus attack. So far there are no known viruses for Linux.

·        Excellent Security Features :-
                                      Linux offers high security. This is the reason why many ISPs are replacing their current OSs with Linux.


                                                IMPORTANT FUNCTIONS OF LINUX
         There is some type of important functions in Linux like to change a start menu name like other which                         below

TO KILL A PROCESS________________________________________________________________
It’s like a process is working on another terminal and by another user you have to terminate it or kill it from another user using another terminal

How to do like running ping command on terminal [TTY 1] on user [gourav]

            Tty1                 #ping
                                    Reply ###########################
                                    Reply ###########################


            Tty2    root

                        Login: root

                        ] #ps –U gourav_____________ [here ps: - process,   -U: -- user,     & gourav: is like any user name]

                        3248: ping
                                                This type is how a code shown for the process which is in working on tty1 on gourav

Now to terminate the process on gourav user on tty1
                        ] #kill [code]
Like                 ] #kill 3248

Then process of ping is terminated on the gourav user on terminal tty1       


To change the NAME on the place of [OK] and [FAILED] when boot up or shutdown

] # vi /etc/init.d/functions _________ this is the file that contains the information about that open the file and go to
                                                            The line 396, insert mode and then edit it by nay name or something you want.

         Line: 396
                        Insert mode
                                            Edit or modify
                                                                    Then save and exit



To change the name before login

Open a file and edit in the last of the file

] #vi /etc/issue_______________


To change the [motd] massage of the day

] # vi /etc/motd___________________ then write any massage here for display when login




To change the MACHINE NAME _______________________

                        ] # hostname [name]
                        ] # hostname gourav

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