Monday, April 21, 2014

Rooting Unix Boxes For Beginners Gorvam saddar

Hello and welcome to rahlabs tutorial on Rooting unix boxes. Today we will learn a few fundementals on what it takes to root a your box! In Today's Tutorial we will be using a linux box.

Required for this tutorial:

Access to a shell - Upload by any-means a shell onto a box
mig-log cleaner
Local root Exploit
half a brain
willingness to learn

BackTrack - Basic Usage gorvam saddar

Login to BackTrack

Once the BackTrack is Installed, the default username and password required to log in are root / toor.
NOTE: You will not be able to see the password as you type it.


  • After login give startx command.
  • Getting Networking to work
  • Setting your IP manually

We will first set up the networking manually. In the following example we will assume the following addresses and their purpose:
IP Address -
Default Gateway -
DNS server -

How Web Servers Work BY Gorvam saddar

Let us take a look at the basic working of a web server. What happens when you type
in your browser?

.htaccess Tutorial by Gorvam Saddar


In this tutorial you will find out about the .htaccess file and the power it has to improve your website. Although .htaccess is only a file, it can change settings on the servers and allow you to do many different things, the most popular being able to have your own custom 404 error pages. .htaccess isn't difficult to use and is really just made up of a few simple instructions in a text file.

How to patch your server against The Heartbleed Bug

How to patch your server against The Heartbleed Bug

How to patch your server against The Heartbleed Bug

What is the Heartbleed Bug?

The Heartbleed Bug is a serious vulnerability in the popular OpenSSL cryptographic software library. This weakness allows stealing the information protected, under normal conditions, by the SSL/TLS encryption used to secure the Internet. SSL/TLS provides communication security and privacy over the Internet for applications such as web, email, instant messaging (IM) and some virtual private networks (VPNs).

Shell by LFI - Method proc / self / environ by Gorvam saddar

Shell by LFI - Method proc / self / environ

1 - Introduction
2 - Discovery LFI
3 - check if / proc / self / environ is accessible
4 - malicious code injection
5 - Access to the shell
6 - Thanks

>> 1 - Introduction

In this tutorial I will show how to obtain a shell on a site using your Local File Inclusion and
injecting malicious code in proc / self / environ.Este a tutorial that explains everything step by step.

>> 2 - Discovery LFI

- Now a site to find a vulnerable target to Local File Inclusion.Am found to verify

VoIP Hacks: How to Spoof Your Caller ID by Gorvam saddar

How to Spoof Your Caller ID

A fun prank is to call friends, family, or strangers from the White House's phone number (202 456-2121). The reason that this is possible is that Vonage, Skype, and other VoIP providers fundamentally must be able to fake caller ID in order to route calls from the internet onto public phone networks (so presumably they've been doing some lobbying over the years).
A Brief Technical Overview of Caller ID Spoofing:
What we'll do is register a free account at an ITSP, or Internet Telephony Service Provider, which acts as the bridge between the internet and the public American (or otherwise) analog telephony networks. We'll then configure the ITSP to use the White House's phone number as our outbound caller ID. Finally, we'll connect to the ITSP using a free VoIP client, or softphone, to make our call using a PC.
The 10-Minute Step-by-Step Process:

Joomla SQL Injection ....!!! by Gorvam saddar

Joomla SQL Injection

Hack Joomla Websites
The probably most common case for
hacked Joomla websites
is that a SQL injection vulnerability was exploited. A typical URL which is affected by this type of vulnerability looks like this:


Typically the following parameters are vulnerable:

Hacking IIS by gorvam saddar

Hacking IIS

Hacking Tool: IISHack.exe
overflows a buffer used by IIS http daemon, allowing for arbitrary code to be executed.
iishack 80

Hacking Web Servers by Gorvam saddar

The popular web servers are Apache Web Server, Internet Information Server and Sun ONE Web Server.
The Apache Web Server is an open-source web server for modern operating systems including UNIX and Windows NT. The server provides HTTP services in sync with the current HTTP standards in an efficient and extensible environment.

The Java Web Server / Sun ONE Web Server is one of the other highly available Web servers on the market. Microsoft's Internet Information Server is another popular server used by a sizable percentage of websites.


Common Security Risks

XSS cheat sheet by Gorvam saddar

XSS cheat sheet

Before we start what is XSS? let's come to basic !! hmm what is cookie , don't say something like eating stuff.
A cookie is the variable that web-browsers use to store your login credentials. Without a cookie, you cannot "stay logged in" on websites.
Cross-Site Scripting is the process of injecting JavaScript (mainly) and also HTML into a webpage.

@ -XSS attacks almost always focus upon sites which use cookies for storing our username and password.
@-XSS is used to harm the website (may be defacing ).
tRAdiTIOnAL Type$: type0 , type1, type2

Install Backtrack 5 On Samsung Galaxy Tab by Gorvam saddar

Install Backtrack 5 On Samsung Galaxy Tab

First thing after I get Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 is how can I change or add some feature about penetration testing to my Tab. So after I read "How to install Backtrack5 on Motorola Xoom by Pual[.]com, I think I can install Backtrack 5 in my Tab too. That's it. I create this tutorial after I'm successful to installing Backtrack 5 on my Tab. But please do all the steps with you risk!!!!.
1. Download rooting file and transfer it to the tab.
2. Go into the recovery mode with hold "Power Button and Low Volumn Button" for rebooting and when you see the 2 icon press "Low Volumn" and press "High Volumn" or "Power Button" for go to recovery mode.
3. Choose "apply the update from sdcard" and choose "rooting file"
After this step, you're tab was rooted now.

Tutorial on How to Hack Terminal Services by Gorvam saddar

Tutorial on How to Hack Terminal Services

If you want to do any MS Terminal Server cracking you basically have your choice of three tools that can do it for you; TSgrinder, TScrack, and a patched version of RDesktop. This article and its companion Video: Terminal Server / RDP Password Cracking, takes you step-by-step through the concepts, tools and usage.

TSGrinder is readily available from

TSCrack you'll have to google for as it is not readily available anymore.

Rdesktop v1.41 can be downloaded from and you'll need the patch from

Part 1: MS Terminal Services Overview

Hacking Exposed Windows Server 2003 goes a great overview, I won't plagiarize it all here, so check it out for me details and the references section of this paper for some MS references.
Prior to Terminal Services, Windows did not provide the ability to run code remotely in the processor space of the server. Another way to put this is there was no way to have an "interactive" session on the server. There were tools like wsremote or psexec or VNC. If an attacker got a non administrator level account on a remote machine they could map shares and copy files but had a difficult time running code on the server. Now, with Terminal Services, an attacker can log on as a non privileged user and run exploit local exploit code via the Terminal Services GUI. These attacks used to be fairly limited to local physical attacks or from users who actually logging into your domain but now if the server has Terminal Services (2000 server 2003 server) or RDP (Windows XP) running the attack vector increases.

SMS Spoofing with Kali Linux by Gorvam Saddar

SMS Spoofing with Kali Linux

The new Kali-Linux (BT6) comes with many advance and increasing features and one of its incredible feature is its SMS spoofing weapon. So today we will have fun with this feature and see how easily we can spoof SMS. This is an amazing and improved feature that has made many security professionals think. Anyone can easily spoof sms from various numbers and there is no chance to be caught. This feature is located in the SET (
Social Engineering toolkit

How to detect a hacker attack by gorvam saddar

How to detect a hacker attack

Detect a hacker attack

Most computer vulnerabilities can be exploited in a variety of ways. Hacker attacks may use a single specific exploit, several exploits at the same time, a misconfiguration in one of the system components or even a backdoor from an earlier attack. Due to this, detecting hacker attacks is not an easy task, especially for an inexperienced user. This article gives a few basic guidelines to help you figure out either if your machine is under attack or if the security of your system has been compromised. Keep in mind just like with viruses, there is no 100% guarantee you will detect a hacker attack this way. However, there's a good chance that if your system has been hacked, it will display one or more of the following behaviours.